Joyful Songsters Schedule 2024-2025 – updated 11/22/24

Joyful Songsters Schedule 2024-2025 – updated 11/22/24

Rehearsals are held every Monday, 6:00-7:30 pm at First Presbyterian Church, 50 E Tipton St in  Huntington unless otherwise noted.

Performance details such as addresses, directions, and any time changes will be communicated closer to the date of the performance.

We have additional performances this year to raise funds for our trip to sing in Indianapolis and the state capital in April in honor of Joyful Songsters 10th Anniversary.

August 5 Kick Off PARTY @ 4891 S 300 W, Huntington, 6:00-7:30 pm, Bring a dish to share

August 12 First Rehearsal

August 24 Taste of the Arts, 300 E Main St, Ft Wayne, arrive 10:15 am, sing 11:00, Wear choir shirt

September 2 Labor Day, NO REHEARSAL

*November 5 College Park Church, Sojourners Meeting, Arrive at the Family Life Center (back of
church) at 11:45, Perform at 12:30 pm, Wear all black, Eat lunch before you come.

*December 11 HU Foundation Breakfast, Dining Commons, arrive 7:45, sing 8:20, wear all black

December 15 CCHC Christmas Concert, Wear all black

December 16 Share A Carol fundraiser

5:30 pm Meet at First Presbyterian Church

December 22 First Presbyterian Church and Pleasant Grove Church, Meet at First Pres at 8:00.
Then caravan to Pleasant Grove. Finish around 12:00. Wear all black


January 20 Resume rehearsals

*February or March TBA Emmanuel Church and/or New Hope Church, Wear all black

April 7 Bring A Friend Night, Statehouse concert preview, wear choir t-shirt

*April 10-11 Statehouse and Beef & Boards Trip (all day and overnight)

April 12 CCHC Spring Concert, Wear all black

April 14 CCHC/Joyful Songsters Spring Party, Bring a dish or treat to share

May 10 Disabilities Expo Ft Wayne, Wear choir shirt

July 4th Independence Celebration, Forks of the Wabash, 9:00 am, Wear red, white, and blue


*Indicate performances that occur during a work day